Thursday, November 19, 2009

What I've Learned From Katie Couric

Kaite Couric is a journalistic master at infusing her own conjecture, speculation and opinions into her questions by simply prefacing them with, "Some would say that..." before tearing somebody a new one. This technique has made every writing assignment I've ever had to complete for a meathead criminal justice class so much more tolerable.

Some would say that criminal justice classes that attempt to create new and dynamic dialogues about social issues might be a waste of time since almost everybody who takes them would prefer to just kill everybody and let God sort it out.


  1. Just because I haven't been commenting doesn't mean I'm not yearning for another post. I think I speak for all 8 of us.

  2. Oh, but right now I just want to think about cute boys, which makes it so hard to want to write anything, anything at all. I shall do my best.

  3. That's ok, write about cute boys. I love that Corey Haim!

  4. Give me until this Saturday. I've got one last term paper to write. I can feel the head crowning. One more scholarly push!

  5. I tried to write something about cute boys, but after only one word it already sounded creepy.

